Tagging Instructions & Tips

Tagging Deadline
Allentown: 2/1 at 5pm. 2/2, 5pm for restock.
Item Limits
There is a 300 item limit per consignor number. 15 item minimum.
High Standards
Please do not consider selling an item if it has a missing piece, stain, tear, excessive wear, smoke or musty smells, etc.

Tagging Info

Clothing Condition
All clothing must be in EXCELLENT CONDITION (no holes, stains, tears, missing buttons or non working zippers), neat, clean and free of odors. Clothing must be current styles. Remember, people cannot feel the item and they are trusting that you, the seller, has carefully checked the item before listing it. The quality must be what people are accustomed to getting at our in person events.
Item Descriptions **IMPORTANT**
Please choose your item category and take the time to fill out an item description for each item. Items will be categorized online by the category you choose. Good descriptions will make your item easily searchable.
First line: Always list the BRAND in Description Line 1. Use words that will make your item searchable, key words (i.e. jeans, overalls, athletic, swim, shirt, shorts, pants, dress, Pj’s, jacket, coat, hoodie). Think words people would use to search for an item.
Second line: Important details a shopper may not know by looking at the picture; measurements, included parts or anything you can’t see in the photo. If the item is new list it as NWT or NIB in the description. Any item that is Holiday related, put the word HOLIDAY in the description.
Third line: This line will show in the description when a shopper clicks open the item.
Item Photos
* You only get ONE picture so make it a good one!
* Images will not upload if larger than 5mb
* Make sure your photos are in JPG or GIF format (no HEIC which some newer iPhones are set to save as)
* Photos need to be vertical versus horizontal or use the Square setting on you phone. Horizontal photos will appear sideways when uploaded.
* Lighting is KEY for a good photo. Make sure you are taking pictures in a room with a lot of natural light or set up overhead lights to avoid shadows. Avoid dark backgrounds or backgrounds with clutter as it can distract from the item you want to sell.
* Small toys with accessories, games and play sets can be opened and set up so that a buyer can see it has all the pieces.
* Photo collages can be used if you feel one picture isn’t enough. No more than 4 pictures in a collage so shoppers can see each image. Please do not use software programs (PhotoShop etc) that will increase the image size which may make it too large to upload.

* To change from HEIC go to camera > settings > formats and select most compatible
* For clothing, you can hang the item a light color wall and use a temporary wall hook OR, you can do a “flat lay” where you lay the item on a light surface or the floor to take the picture.
* Non clothing items like shoes, toys, books, games, electronics, etc. can be photographed on any neutral surface.
*INCLUDE Measurements of non clothing items when it matters! For example, furniture, home decor, bicycle tires.

If the item looks good it sells faster and for a better price. Make sure shoes are clean! A little effort goes a long way. When preparing sold shoes, please make sure they are securely connected. You can tie the shoelaces together, buckle the shoes together, use a loop pin, zip tie or put them in a ziplock bag.

Books & DVDs
Please make sure DVDs are working and are free from scratches. We accept any family dvd rated PG13 and under.

Toys, Games & Puzzles
PACKAGE TOY/GAME/PUZZLE PIECES AND DIRECTIONS SECURELY. Small and loose pieces should be placed in a Ziploc bag and taped shut. Attach bag to the toy by tying it on, using a loop pin, using clear packing tape or by placing the bag inside the unsealed toy. All toys must be complete, in working order and clean. Puzzles can be wrapped in plastic wrap and then taped to keep puzzle pieces in. Count your puzzle pieces!! Do not package toys to purposely hide a defect.
If consignor spots are full you can be added to our wait list by filling out this form.

Pricing Tips

Price items 1/4 to 1/3 the retail cost
$3.00 Minimum
Consider grouping items
Pricing Guide
Click Here for our pricing Guide PDF